EVO Powersports Can-Am Defender HD9 MapTuner ECU Power Flash (Flash Only)Zoom

EVO Powersports Can-Am Defender HD9 MapTuner ECU Power Flash (Flash Only)



EVO Powersports Can-Am Defender HD9 Maptuner ECU Power Flash (Flash Only)

Despite sharing the same engine displacement, the Can-Am Defender HD9 comes fairly neutered from the factory compared to its HD10 brethren (65 Hp vs 82 HP, respectively). After some quality time in the EVP Dyno Lab, we gave the HD9 the balls it deserves in a much more budget-friendly packaged compared to upgrading to the HD10 in the showroom. The HD9 becomes an entirely different machine with more power plus raised and/or removed limiters for higher top speeds, rev limits, and zero throttle limitations for full-time 100% throttle.


  • Rev limit raised to 8800 RPM
  • 100 % throttle, eliminates OEM throttle limitation
  • TQ limits increased
  • Optimized cooling, fans power on earlier
  • Throttle settings improved
  • Speed limiter removed
  • Optimized fueling and ignition
  • HD10 power at a much more budget-friendly price


  • 2022+ Can-Am Defender HD9 (all models)


  • Flash Only, No Device
  • An EVP MapTuner ECU flashing device is required for this tuning package

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