Can Am Maverick Trail and Maverick Sport - Fuel | Air | Maintenance
To get the most of your Can-Am Maverick Trail or Maverick Sport you need to have the right combination or fuel and air. The two are the most important variables for horsepower. However its not just air you need, you need clean air. That's why we carry a variety of air filters and snorkel systems so you can get the cleanest air into your Maverick Trail or Sport.
Finding the right fuel ratio is just as important, if you have made any engine modification to the Maverick Trail you will want to make sure your fuel to air ratio is maximized for the most power and health of your machine. EFI fuel controllers used to dial in the fuel injection so it matches the airflow thus creating the internal combustion in the Maverick Trail.
If you ever have any questions about fuel or air with the Maverick Trail feel free to contact us and we would be glad to help.