Home > Honda > Honda Talon > Honda Talon 1000X-4 > Windshields | Rear Panels > Honda Talon 1000 | 1000X-4 Half Windshield
Home > Honda > Honda Talon > Honda Talon 1000R | 1000X > Windshields | Rear Panels > Honda Talon 1000 | 1000X-4 Half Windshield
Also Fits 2019+ Honda Talon 1000 | 1000X-4
A full windshield is not always necessary, even when some coverage is desired. Motorcycle owners know how effective a half windshield can be redirecting air up and over the rider instead of in their face and this genuine Honda Windshield accomplishes the same thing. A lip at the top of the windshield kicks the majority of the wind up and over the windshields.
- Lexan Poly Carbonate
- Tool-less install
- Works with all roofs and tops
- Genuine Honda Accessory