Can Am Maverick - Windshields

Can Am Maverick Windshields are beneficial for several reasons. They keep rain and snow from pelting you in the face when riding in wet conditions. They protect you from trees and branches when riding in tight trails and they protect you from flying debris when riding in the back of a pack. There are many ways a windshield can make your ride better and there are many windshields types types from which to choose.
So which windshield is right for your Maverick? Lexan Full Windshields are the most common and for good reason. They are simple, practical and give you all the protection you need. Now many lexan windshields are coming with MR10 coating and this is making Lexan more scratch resistant then ever. Half windshields are great for Maverick owners that might be riding in warm dry conditions. These allow for some airflow through the cab while directing the excess air up and over the cab. Tilting or Folding windshields, bridge the gap between airflow and protection. No matter what Can am Maverick Windshield you need you will find it here.
So which windshield is right for your Maverick? Lexan Full Windshields are the most common and for good reason. They are simple, practical and give you all the protection you need. Now many lexan windshields are coming with MR10 coating and this is making Lexan more scratch resistant then ever. Half windshields are great for Maverick owners that might be riding in warm dry conditions. These allow for some airflow through the cab while directing the excess air up and over the cab. Tilting or Folding windshields, bridge the gap between airflow and protection. No matter what Can am Maverick Windshield you need you will find it here.